My work stems from a lifelong interest in the seasons and cycles of Nature, ancient myth, memory, women’s spirituality, and art as a healing modality.

The images I use reflect my emotions, dreams, the natural world around me, my relationships, and a deep, heart-felt interest in the sacred meaning of the natural world. By combining everyday objects, iconic and classical images, and symbols rich with magic and meaning, a curious new story emerges; fragments of experience becoming whole in a fiery, narrative stew.
I aim to invent storied images that are evocative, mysterious and rich with feminist meaning.
I am fascinated by the voluptuous excesses that accumulate, clutter and distract, and at the same time can elevate the ordinary detritus of daily life into extraordinary objects that demand attention and reverence, transforming the ordinary toward the extraordinary.
The nature of working in clay and glass is demanding and intense, and like life itself is potentially unpredictable, entirely rewarding.